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Welcome to the Spring Term
Welcome to Year 4!
We are Morpurgo Class 2023/2024

Welcome to Morpurgo’s class page!  

This term we have some very exciting topics to learn about, so let’s get stuck in!

Our Spring topic is Misty mountain and winding river. In this topic, we will be learning about mountains and rivers. As well as the reasons that rivers change the landscape and how rivers were created. This will lead us on to a very exciting trip in March, to the River Thames! There is a knowledge organiser at the bottom of this page which we will be using in all topic lessons to help children with key words and information. Take time to have a look but there is no need to print or bring this into school.

In addition, we will be following the national curriculum requirements of English, maths, Science, PSHE/RSE and RE. This year we have joined a brilliant scheme to broaden the children’s understanding and fluency in English. Our first topic is focused on the book Frindleswylde and follows an interesting magical ice child who has his own ice castle. In Maths, we will be looking into the year 4 level of White Rose Maths. Our first topic is Multiplication and division. In PSHE/RSE we will be following the SCARF scheme which is delivered by Mrs Andreas on a Wednesday afternoon.


P.E. will take place on a Tuesday afternoon with Miss Browning and Stevenage Borough and a Wednesday afternoon led by Mrs Bissmire. Please send children to school wearing their P.E. kit on these days. The P.E. kit consists of a sky-blue polo, royal blue Oaklands jumper, royal blue shorts, socks and suitable sports trainers. Hair must be tied back and any jewellery must be removed at home.


Homework is a valuable opportunity for children to consolidate learning as well as get parents involved in our topics. Homework will be sent home in red A4 homework books on a Friday and are due back into school on a Wednesday.

Every night:

Reading for at least 15 minutes and times tables rockstars.

Work from an area of the curriculum:

This will be given out on a Friday and to be returned on Wednesday in homework books.

Contact and Support

Please do not hesitate to find me or email admin if you have any questions or queries about your child’s learning. You can speak with me after school, or alternatively, you can contact the school office to book a meeting. If you or anyone you know, has skills or knowledge that could enrich our in-class learning, we would love to hear from you and see if we can make use of this in our lessons.

Reading books

Please ensure you read daily with your child, as they grow it is important to foster a love of reading within them. A fantastic way to do this is to have discussions about the books they are reading and listening to them read. Reading records are also needed in school every day so please ensure your child has this in their bag for home and school use. 

Kind regards,

Miss E Browning

Year 4 Teacher

Top Marks Maths