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Welcome to Year 2 - Pine Class

On our class page below you will find information about what Year 2 are currently learning about across all subjects. You will also find any useful links or resources here. 

Autumn Term

This term we are exploring a project titled ‘Movers and Shakers’. In the Movers and Shakers project, your child will This project teaches children about historically significant people who have had a major impact on the world. They will learn to use timelines, stories and historical sources to find out about the people featured and use historical models to explore their significance. Alongside this topic the children will be learning about Habitats and Human Survival (Science), Still Life (Art), Remarkable Recipes (DT) and Navrati (Hinduism) and Christmas (Christianity) (RE).

In addition, we will be following the national curriculum requirements of English, Maths, Science, RHSE and R.E.

Our English learning will begin with a 'twister tale' based off the book 'Jim and the Beanstalk.' They will be using this book to learn how to use adjectives effectively to create their own WANTED posters. Eventually they will be using their skills of sequencing to create their own sequel story. They will then continue to investigate new texts such as 'Wolves' by Emily Gravett, 'The Journey Home' by Fran Preston- Gannon and 'We are water Protectors' by Carole Lindstrom. Throughout these texts they will continue to develop their skills of using adjectives, conjunctions and time connectives in their sentences.

In Maths we will be developing our understanding of place value by identifying tens and ones in numbers. We will then be moving onto looking at addition and subtraction, including the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. They will use their knowledge of place value to use tens and ones to help with this new skill. Finally, they will be investigating a variety of 2D and 3D shapes by looking at their properties, similarities and differences.

P.E. will take place on Monday and Tuesdays, where we will continue to wear our P.E kit to school. The kit consist of a sky blue polo, royal blue Oaklands jumper, royal blue cotton shorts, socks and suitable sports trainers. For health and safety reasons earrings and watches should be removed for all P.E lessons and long hair must be tied up. This term they will be focusing their Fundamental skills with Miss Mason and Ball Skills with Mrs Bell.

Computing- This term Year 2 will be learning about coding, online safety and spreadsheets. We use Purple Mash for our computing lessons which is a child friendly site if you would like to access this at home for any extra practice.

Music- In Music this term Year 2 will be learning two new songs- 'Hands, feet and heart' as well as 'Ho Ho Ho' just in time for Christmas. They will be using their composition and rhythm skills to practice learning different sections of the songs and accompanying their singing with a variety of instruments such as the xylophone, drums, rain shakers and maracas.


Reading:  Every night (15 minutes – please comment on your child’s reading record). Reading books will be changed on a Friday and each pupil will take two books home depending on their level of reading ability. Please make sure children have their books available in school every day. 

Work from an area of the curriculum: This will be given out on a Friday and to be returned the following Wednesday in homework books. (Every other week) 

TTRS and Numbots: We have moved over to Times Table Rockstars and Numbots. They have completed the introductory lesson in school and should have their login details stuck into their reading records. Please practice on either of these apps to continue to improve their Maths fluency. 

If you have any concerns, or questions regarding your child, please contact the school office ( to arrange a meeting. 

Kind regards,

Miss Mason and the Year 2 team

Websites and links

Here are links to a range of useful websites to support your child in their learning.


BBC Bitesize

Times Table Rockstars 

Purple Mash

Phonics Play

ICT Games

Oxford Owl

Maths Games

Top Marks