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Welcome to Year 1 - Willow

This page is where you can find out about our learning in Year 1, our projects and what we will be learning, as well as any useful websites to help you at home.

In year 1, we build upon our high quality early years principles and practice and continue to provide children with elements of independent, play-based learning. Our school experience and research tells us that young children learn best through play, exploration and hands on learning´

Play is absolutely essential to learning because it IS learning.’ Bottrill (2020)

Below is a link to our PowerPoint we shared at our Parent information session to find out more about our pedagogy and approach to learning in Year 1. 

Autumn term 2024! 

Our driver project this term is 'Childhood'.

In this project, as historians, we will learn about everyday life and families today, including comparisons with childhood in the 1950s, using artefacts and a range of different sources.

In addition to the main project topic, the children will also be ...

Scientists! Learning about Everyday Materials, Identifying a range of everyday materials and their sources. We will investigate the properties of materials and begin to recognise that a material's properties define its use.

As Designers, through our 'Shade and Shelter' project, we will be learning about the purpose of shelters and their materials.

As Artists, we explore Primary and Secondary colours and learn how artists use colour in their artwork.

In PE - We will focus on Fundamental Skills with Miss Haley and Ball Skills with Mrs Bell. 

In RE - We learn about Harvest and Divali. 

As musicians, we follow Charanga. The children will learn how to: listen and appreciate music, sing in groups and play along with known songs. They will have the opportunity to improvise using a range of instruments as well. 

Computing - Year 1 will begin learning about online safety. We use Purple Mash for our computing lessons which is a child-friendly site if you would like to access this at home for any extra practice.

Our first Literacy text this term is 'Super Milly and the Super School Day'. We will write letters of encouragement for the main character and explore the concept of qualities and positive traits such as kindness and generosity being super powers. The children reply to a job advert for a superhero before writing their own superhero story with them as the main character but first they must decide what their super powers will be and who they will help

In Maths we will be completing our 'Place Value Within 10' block. Sorting, counting and representing objects and recognising numbers as words. We also explore 'Greater than, less than, equal to'.

Useful information to support your child during our Autumn term projects can be found in the PDF files at the bottom of the page.



  • PE is on a Tuesday and a Wednesday. Please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit on these days.
  • Guided and individual reading will take place throughout the week, so please send in reading folders every day.
  • Reading books and library books will be changed on a Friday.

If there is anything you need to ask or find out more about, please email the school office ( to arrange a time to chat with a member of the team.

We look forward to working with you all!

Miss Haley and the Year 1 team.